How much do you pay for gold?

Gold changes in value constantly, that is why we recommend that you visit one of our offices or you can call us at (479) 419-9545

What form of payment do you accept?

We accept Cash, Credit and Debit cards.

What type of documents do you accept?

We accept government IDs, Passports and government ID’s from your country.

What’s the interest rate?

At Cash for Gold we are known for collecting the lowest interest in the state, guaranteed.

What is the 3-day grace period?

They are 3 additional days to the payment date that are added without any penalty fee to offer you greater flexibility.

What guarantees do you offer?

Cash for Gold guarantees you the best payment for your jewelry and the best security for your items. All your items will be stored in maximum security boxes and under surveillance cameras 24 hours a day.

Where can I call if I have a complaint?

If for any reason you are not satisfied with the service received, call our dedicated line to make a complaint from any of our offices at  1-866-967-4550.